“New High/New Low Ratio Moving Averages Charts”

Dear Readers,


Due to the debilitating effects of an intestinal infection we are not able to publish either the “New High/New Low Ratio Moving Averages Charts” nor the “Druitt’s Weekly Data Charts” newsletters this week. This weekend is being devoted to rest and recovery from this illness. We hope and expect to resume publication of both newsletters on Friday, June 19 and Saturday, June 20.


Thanks to all for their forbearance. We can and will report that the New High/New Low Ratio Moving Averages did not confirm this past week’s price declines by all four major U.S. stock indices. In fact, all three 10-day through 50-day moving averages recorded weekly rises, as did the longest-term 200-day moving average. A daily-data chart of the 10-day through 50-day moving averages is attached below.

New High-New Low Ratio M.A. Chart

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